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Dedicated snipers, these Primaris haunt the shadows of the battlefield, searching for high-value targets and shooting them down with accuracy that leaves their enemy no chance.
The elimination squads use a particularly stripped-down version of the Mark X Phobos armor. This allows them to operate with maximum discretion when stalking their prey.
The Primaris Eliminators bitz allows you to give life to your desires or improve your miniatures with Space Marine bits, Warhammer 40k bitz from the BitzStore are exclusively from new boxes.
Originally from Primaris Eliminators box of Warhammer 40k miniature game.
Add in your bitzbox, Primaris Eliminators bits - BitzStore is your Warhammer 40k Bits retailer.
Disclaimer: All components are sold unpainted and unassembled, the proposed components are small sized and pointed, it is not advisable to propose as a game for children under 12.